
Our cathedral’s existing roof has been in place since the original roof was slated around 130 years ago. Over that time the roof and original slates have deteriorated to the point they all need replacing.

In 2015, Truro Cathedral launched a five-year, £3.2 million project to undertake the works needed to protect our cathedral.

The physical works

So far, 30,230 of the 60,000 slates have been replaced – marking the completion of the re-slating of the whole of the roof of the western side of the cathedral.

Phase I of the physical work completed in July 2016 - the re-slating of the high level western arm which saw the replacement of almost 22,000 slates. At the same time we also undertook the replacement of the slates on the north aisle – ultimately saving money.

Phase II work started in June 2017 and completed in January 2018. This phase encompassed the re-slating of the south nave aisle, the baptistry, the western aisle of the south transept and the narthex. The baptistry roof in particular with its conical shape required the expertise of highly-experienced roofers.

The planned third and final phase will replace all slates on the eastern arm of the cathedral. It is hoped that all physical works will complete in 2020, but this is dependent on securing the remaining funds needed.

The fundraising

The current total donated is £1.4 million, leaving just over £1.7 million to raise.

In October 2014 and November 2016, the cathedral received two grants of £500,000 each from the government’s World War I Centenary Cathedral Repair Fund, and since the public launch of the Roof Appeal in July 2015, over £400,000 has been kindly donated.

‘Sign-A-Slate’ provides the opportunity for visitors to sign their name or write a message on the back of one of the new slates being used on the roof, with the option to make a donation alongside this. Almost 5,000 people have participated in Sign-A-Slate, with linked donations contributing an incredible £230,000 towards the appeal, and thanks to many supporters choosing to Gift Aid their donation, we’ve reclaimed an additional £50,000!

We extend a sincere thank you to everyone that has supported so far.

Get involved

Fundraising for the roof continues as we work towards the final 3rd stage of essential repairs. This has been delayed due to the challenges of the pandemic and other urgent priorities and the JustGiving page specifically for the roof appeal is not live at this time. Any donation given to the cathedral given via its general fund can then be used where it is needed most, primarily to support its life and work during the post-pandemic recovery including the roof and other restoration. Thank you for your kind support.

Truro Cathedral JustGiving Page