
For events and to view live-streamed services please visit the What's On page. Up and coming services below:

April Services and Music List

May Services and Music List

Thursday 25th April St Mark

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
12:10 Christian meditation (Finn cross)
13:00 Organ recital: Joel Colyer (Live-streamed)
17:30 Solemn Eucharist for Festival of St Mark

Friday 26th April

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
11:00 BCP Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
17:30 Choral Evensong

Saturday 27th April

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
16:00 Evening Prayer (Jesus Chapel)

Sunday 28th of April 2024: The Fifth Sunday of Easter

08:00 BCP Holy Communion
10:00 Choral Eucharist (Live-streamed)
16:00 Choral Evensong (Live-streamed)

Monday 29th April

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
17:30 Choral Evensong

Tuesday 30th April

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
17:30 Solemn Evensong on the Eve of Ss. Philip and James

Wednesday 1st May

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
17:30 Solemn Eucharist for the feast of Ss Philip and James

Thursday 2nd May

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
12:10 Christian meditation (Finn cross)

13:00 Organ Recital: Andrew and John Wyatt (live-streamed)
17:30 Choral Evensong

Friday 3rd May

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
11:00 BCP Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
17:30 Choral Evensong

Saturday 4th May

09.00 Holy Communion (Jesus Chapel)
09.30 Morning Prayer (Jesus Chapel)
16:00 Evening Prayer (Jesus Chapel)

Next Sunday, 5th of May 2024: The Sixth Sunday of Easter

08:00 BCP Holy Communion
10:00 Choral Eucharist (live-streamed)
16:00 Evensong sung by combined Choirs of Exeter and Truro cathedrals (live-streamed)