A letter from Dean Simon

One of my commitments to you and to the Diocese is about communication. I believe in regular, transparent and open communication. It is important that I ‘keep you in the loop’ during this coming year. I hope that you will find this helpful not least for your prayers.

Firstly, The Cathedral Chapter will be meeting this coming Thursday. This is an additional meeting. There will be some standard business items on their agenda.

Importantly, I will be releasing the External Review Findings Executive Summary and Full Report to Chapter members. This report is the academic property of Bishop Philip. Bishop Philip and I have discussed its release and its use at length. We have agreed that for the Chapter to plan and lead action and change, they must be able to read and discuss the findings.

The report will not be put out into the public domain. Please do not ask to see a copy of it. However, I will discuss with Bishop Philip and the Chapter how we communicate the key themes and areas for improvement and change that are highlighted in the reports. I believe this to be fair, appropriate and proportionate.

Over the coming month or so, Chapter will discuss the report and formulate an action plan. That plan will lead the work of Chapter for this year. It will address the recommendations and targets therein. When Bishop Philip releases his Visitation ‘determinations,’ these will be dovetailed into the plan.

Please pray for the Cathedral Chapter, for Godly wisdom and grace.

Secondly, The matter of the high altar and the podium altar. I will be meeting with Canon Simon, Canon Elly and Canon Alan to discuss this question. My aim and preference are that we reach a consensus on this matter. If we cannot, I will decide. When we have reached a decision, it will be communicated to you. Up until that point, I have determined that the High Altar will be used at every 10:00 Sunday Eucharist. I have informed the Canons of this decision and Canon Simon has informed the vergers and servers accordingly.

If you wish to express a view to me, please feel free to do so. Please pray for our discussions, for Godly wisdom and grace.

Thank you

Dean Simon (Interim Dean and Canon Missioner)