Fundraising Round Up

Autumn is the “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” an appropriate time to reflect on the good things that have happened over the summer and the lasting impact they will have.

A big change has been the installation of a new welcome desk in the cathedral, staffed by a team of volunteers who greet people as they arrive. It’s been lovely to hear first-hand from visitors how much they appreciate the warmth of the welcome, and this is down to the great work of all the welcomers, chaplains, guides and lay assistants.

Making people feel welcome is one of the most important things we can do, enriching their experience of the cathedral, and encouraging them to stay longer. All visitors are invited to join the day’s events, and we are pleased to see that more people are attending choral Evensong. There is a positive sense of energy and enjoyment, and this is boosted by our volunteer-led programme of summer recitals and concerts too. It all helps give the cathedral a special place in many people’s hearts.

We are grateful to The Saddlers’ Company for a recent award of £2,500 for the choir. Thank you also to every Chorister Sponsor and member of Truro Cathedral Music for your continuing support, and to everyone who is a member of the Parish Giving Scheme or gives to the cathedral in other ways. Donations from visitors to the cathedral also sustain its life and work, and we extend our thanks to all for their generosity. Every grant, donation and gift in a Will makes a big difference.

The Friends of Truro Cathedral continue to be generous towards the cathedral. This month, we took delivery of £ 4,000 worth of folding chairs that will make hosting events easier, paid for by the Friends. At the moment, they are running a Currency Collection – unwanted foreign and British currency, of any age, can be donated to the Friends after Sunday morning services, at the cathedral office or at the Friends’ monthly coffee morning (the next is 11 October).

Our thanks, too, to everybody who, like the Friends, contributed to the appeal for the refurbishment of St Mary’s Aisle. Your generosity has had a practical impact: the roof of the oldest part of the cathedral is now in good condition for the first time in many years. The external works will be finished in time for Christmas and then the internal refurbishment will begin in the New Year, with an aspiration of having everything completed by Easter. Nicola Moxon, Malcolm Wallace and Martin West have done a fantastic job with spare slates from the old roof, raising money for St Mary’s PCC. Thank you to everyone who has supported them.

 ‘One and all’ is Cornwall’s motto, and we can see it in action here at the cathedral every day. Thank you very much for your continuing affection for the cathedral, and for supporting it.

Judith Field
Fundraising Lead