May The Fourth Be With You: A Community Charity Fundraiser

Hello there! You may remember a post last year where we did something fun and little silly for May 4th (Star Wars Day). To say that it was well received would be an understatement! This gave us an idea for 2023, to do something more fun, and even more silly…

Whether people are fans of the Star Wars franchise or not most people know of it or have some degree of familiarity with it. A small group of ‘enthusiasts’ formed and talked about what could be done to fulfil a fun brief. The lead, and favourite idea, was to film a duel in the cathedral!

With the idea formed we discussed this with the cathedral team to seek consent to do so. Not only was this a fun idea, but most importantly we could use this to support the ‘Force for Good’ principle of fundraising for a charity. Beyond that, there were the benefits of highlighting the architecture of the magnificent cathedral building from saber-glow and showing areas that some have never seen. Though, it’s fair to say that the whole group had a lot of fun doing this!

The cathedral team generously gave permission, and all involved gave free time, energy, and equipment to undertake this project. We all hope that the benefit of this ‘Force for Good’ project raises much-needed funds for Children’s Hospice Southwest. Please do donate using the link below, and quote “May the Fourth be With You” so that we can find out how much you raised.

Donate to Children's Hospice Southwest

We’d love to do something like this again next year and invite others to participate so that others can share in the fun, silliness, and benefit of projects like this for those in need. If this inspires you, please do get in touch.

A massive thank you to LLE Photography, Truro Cathedral, JHAV, Hall For Cornwall, and our ‘actors’ for all that you have contributed. If you have enjoy this video please donate to Children's Hospice South West!