What does God look like?

Many of you may know that I was a teacher and a headteacher. I worked with primary school children. I was particularly interested in creative arts and the teaching of reading and writing. I try to spend as much time as I can on the floor of the cathedral talking to visitors, staff and volunteers.

On a recent Sunday afternoon, I was approached by a granddad and his grandson who asked me the most wonderful question: ‘What does God look like?’ Wow! Where to start? I started by telling him that his question was a fabulous question and that in fact, I didn’t know what God looks like. But I do know that I see signs of God all around the world, in the beauty of the sky, the sea, the land, in art and most importantly in people when they are kind and caring when they are open and honest. I also told him that inside every one of us, every human being, including him we see a little bit of God because God made us all. He listened intently with eyes wide open as did his grandad. I continued by explaining that the Cathedral itself shows us a tiny bit of what God looks like and that if he walked to the high altar and looked at the great reredos, the stained glass and the high altar he would see a vision of heaven or rather what Pearson, the man who designed the cathedral thinks heaven might look like. Off he toddled. About twenty minutes later, I bumped into him again and asked him if he had been to look and what did he find. It was a wonderful moment of engagement and reminded me of why our imagination is so important. What a question! What do you think? What does God look like?