We Are: Truro Vintage Second Life Fashion Pop-Up

We Are clothing market. We Are specialises in Vintage and Second-hand clothing.

Their kilo sale events and their brand new online shop are there to rehome clothing that would have ended up in Landfill. Millions of wearable clothes are thrown out each year and We Are proves there is a second life for fashion.

With clothing from brands such as Levi's and Ralph Lauren, there is something for everyone for any occasion!

This is a ticketed event, £1 per ticket for a choice of 3 slots across the day




Purchases are charged per kilo, but you can buy as much or as little as you like, weigh and pay. £25 a kilo (but you do not need to buy a whole kilo). You will receive 10% discount if you have an advanced ticket and buy one kilo or more.

Read More about We Are Events