
Without the support of our dedicated volunteers at Truro Cathedral, we would not be able to do all that we do. Volunteering at Truro Cathedral can involve many activities - come and be part of our amazing team! Some of our varied volunteer roles are listed below and a more detailed document outlining the roles is available to Download.  We welcome enquiries from anyone wishing to volunteer.

We are currently looking for Welcome Stewards to join our team:

Role Description

Please contact the cathedral team via volunteering@trurocathedral.org.uk regarding volunteering, we would love to hear from you. You can download an Application Form here.

Our volunteer roles include:

Bell Ringers
Brass Polishers
Camera Operators
Communion Assistants
Flower Guild
Lay Assistants
Sewing Guild
Pastoral Team
Hospitality/Catering Varies
Office Assistants
Events Stewards
Organ Recital Team
Guides Stewards
Learning Assistants
Tour Guides
Sunday Coffee team