Summer Lunchtime Concerts 2024

2024 sees the eighth series of summer Tuesday lunchtime concerts, in which the cathedral's grand piano is heard in a variety of contexts, both as a solo instrument and in combination with other performers.

Piano Platform Concerts 2024

This week's performers are the Benallack Trio - Philip Montgomery-Smith on violin, Barbara Degener on cello and Paul Comeau on piano.

The concerts, which take place mainly on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from May to September, offer a chance to hear just a sample of the wealth of musical talent that exists in the county. There is no charge for entry. However, there is a retiring collection to support music at Truro Cathedral, including Truro Cathedral Choir.

We do hope that many of you will join us in supporting these concerts. They start at 13:10 and last for around forty-five minutes, so offer a perfect break in your shopping trip or working day.

Truro Cathedral is a self-funded organisation and relies on public donations to meet costs. Truro Cathedral welcomes regular or single donations from its supporters. To give regularly by Direct Debit, please use the Parish Giving Scheme. Single donations can be made through Just Giving.