Introducing Father Simon, the new interim Dean of Truro Cathedral

I am delighted that I will be coming to Truro Cathedral and serving as the Interim Dean in the Cathedral and learning all about the life and witness there and in the Diocese of Truro. I am truly grateful to Bishop Philip for his invitation. I am really looking forwards to being with you all as we seek to grow God's kingdom in such a beautiful area. I never imagined I would live in Cornwall, a place that I have visited over many years of my life.
Currently, I serve in the Parish of Minehead, Bath and Wells. Over seven 'and a bit years.' By God's grace, our Parish has grown, particularly with families and children. I am committed to mission from two places, through the power of the traditions that we have in the church and through growing new faith communities.
I was a curate just outside Bath in three small village Parishes. I have held a number of different roles in the Church; Bishops' Examining Officer, member of the Pioneering Trust Board, Diocesan Synod Member for Bath and Wells, Bishops' Adviser for national discernment, General Synod member. I was the Chair of the Board of Education for many years and involved in various school and multi academy trust governance I am also an Assistant Director of Ordinands for the Diocese in Europe, something which is fascinating. I enjoy spotting and encouraging new vocations.
Last year I was elected as the Superior of the Sodality of Mary, an internationally dispersed community of Anglo-Catholic priests, men and women who are now world-wide. Many of us meet online every week to pray together. It is a place of support and friendship.
As I prepare to leave Minehead, I have been talking to this Parish about how we collaborate with each other and with God, how we join in with what God is already doing in the way only God can do. This is how I work, through collaboration. I pray that you will find me someone who is enthusiastic and energetic, clear and straight forward and committed to God's mission of inclusive love for all.
Please pray for me in these coming days as I pray for you also.
With every good wish and blessing
Fr Simon
Photo Credit: Nina Dodd Photography
All are welcome to the Choral Evensong on 9 October with the Installation of the Revd Simon Joseph Robinson as Residentiary Canon, Canon Missioner and Interim Dean. This service will also be live-streamed.