Your help with our Safeguarding Audit

As a part of its ongoing commitment to improving its safeguarding practice the Church of England enabled all dioceses and cathedrals to be externally audited by the SCIE Group in 2019. That commitment has not diminished and in April of 2024, the Diocese of Truro and Truro Cathedral will be audited by the INEQE group to support the priority of keeping everyone associated safe.

For this to be a transparent, 360-degree process, INEQE has offered several surveys to help people express their views on their experience of local safeguarding practice.

Following the link below will take you to these surveys: 


Please select the one most relevant to you before completing it. Those referencing the cathedral community may be the most relevant to you, but you may fill in whichever surveys you wish.

The surveys are: -

·        Victims/Survivors

·        Child or young person

·        The parish workforce

·        The parish community

·        The cathedral worshipping community

·        The cathedral workforce

·        The diocese workforce

You may know that I work closely with Andy Earl, the Head of Safeguarding in the diocese and his assistant, Jo Pomery. Andy said of these surveys, "We are keen that as many people in the diocese as possible have the opportunity to give their views. These questionnaires are important and allow you to highlight what is working for you, and what isn’t. We are looking forward to the external audit in April, having applied to be one of the first to undertake it, and for it to be a true reflection of the work we are doing in the diocese, we encourage everyone to take part.”

We could easily substitute cathedral, for diocese, in his statement and I would very much like you to help us with this if you feel able.

Canon Alan Bashforth

Canon Chancellor and Chapter Safeguarding Lead.